You have 30 days, from date of purchase, to return any unused article.
If you wish to exchange a product or refund, you just need to choose the option in the returns menu you'll find when you complete all steps. You'll have to return it with the original receipt for a full refund.
Deeply will not accept damaged, worn, spoiled, or incomplete articles (label and original packaging required). Wetsuits returned must be folded to avoid wrinkles and be returned in the original package.
Once we receive your return, all goods will be inspected. Any item in unsuitable condition will be sent back to you. Once the article(s) returned are received and processed in our warehouse, a refund will be made using the same payment method used for placing the order. Please consider 7 to 14 days for refund to be available. The shipping fees charged in the original order, won't be refunded in case of total order return.
From Portugal mainland and Spain mainland/Balearic Islands, returns are free of costs. To ensure correct return and swift refund:
- from Portugal mainland, please submit a return request and thereafter you will be contacted with further instructions;
- from Spain mainland or Balearic Islands, submit a return request and thereafter you will be contacted with further instructions;
From elsewhere outside of Portugal and Spain, you must return the package, at your expense, along with the original receipt.
- from France mainland, please submit a return request and thereafter you will be contacted with further instructions;
- from any other country, please submit a return request and thereafter you will be contacted with further instructions;
Some countries are covered by the Return of Refund Costs - PayPal service. In this case, returns are also free for purchases made through PayPal under one of its special offer campaigns. You can see the conditions of this campaign at